Thursday, July 18, 2013

IELTS Listening: TED x IELTS: Why Is ‘X’ the Unknown?

  Click the link below and listen to the audio.  Answer the questions below below the link.

Questions 1-5 (Summary completion) Write no more than one word for each answer.

The Arabic language is extremely 1. _________________________. Because each part of a sentence is very precise and informative, constructing a sentence in Arabic is bit like writing an 2. _________________________. This partly explains many so-called Western sciences such as mathematics and 3. _________________________ actually have their origins in the Middle East. For example, the English word ‘algebra’ has Arabic roots. Many kinds of Middle-Eastern wisdom arrived in Europe via 4. _________________________, where they were first translated. However, certain Arabic sounds can’t be pronounced by Europeans without a great deal of practice. They also can’t easily be written using existing European 5. _________________________.

Questions 6-10 (Matching)

Match the following statements with the letter or symbol they refer to.

6. It was familiar to Spanish mathematicians. _____

7. It was eventually replaced by another letter. _____

8. It was known throughout Europe. _____

9. It has been in use for nearly six centuries. _____

10. It is unpronounceable in Spanish. _____

  • A. The mathematical symbol X
  • B. The Arabic letter SHeen
  • C. The Greek letter Kai
  • D. The Latin letter X

Listening sample task – Short-answer questions

Click the link below to listen to the audio:

Answer the questions below.


What TWO factors can make social contact in a foreign country difficult?

• 11 ...............................
• 12 ...............................

Which types of community group does the speaker give examples of?

• theatre
• 13 ..................................
• 14 ..................................

In which TWO places can information about community activities be found?

• 15 ..................................
• 16 ..................................

IELTS Listening: try these techniques

Here are 4 techniques that you could experiment with when practicing IELTS listening tests from the Cambridge books:
  1. Work on specific sections rather than doing full tests. For example, you could focus on section 1 this week, then do lots of examples of section 2 next week.
  2. Do a full test, but allow yourself to listen two or three times. See how many extra answers you get the second or third time you listen to the recording.
  3. Do a full test, but give yourself as much time as you want during the breaks (by stopping the recording). This takes away the problem of not having time to read the questions properly, and allows you to focus more on your listening skills.
  4. Change the listening test into a reading test. Instead of listening to the recording, use the transcript at the back of the book. Did you get a higher score than usual? If you did, your listening skills need more work. If you didn't, maybe your problem is related to vocabulary.

IELTS Listening: New Year's Resolutions

Here's a video for you to watch:

Here's a recording in case you can't see the video:

Fill the gaps in the following summary.
The speaker ______ the lives of 5000 people as they attempted to achieve their New Year's resolutions. 10% of the people were successful, and they all followed five simple ______. First, they broke their goal into a ______ of smaller steps. Second, they told friends and family what they were trying to achieve. Third, they regularly ______ themselves about the benefits of obtaining their goal. Fourth, they gave themselves a small ______ each time they obtained one of their small steps. Finally, they ______ ______ their progress, so they knew exactly where they were.

IELTS Listening: gap-fill -How to save money and stop spending

Listen to the recording and fill the gaps in the summary below.

How to save money and stop spending
It's impossible to stop spending completely, but you can stop ______ spending, or ______ it. You really need to set up a ______; just take a look at how much money you bring home in your ______, and write down everything you spend on a piece of paper. The aim is to get a ______ on how much money you are bringing in and where it is going. Whether you use plastic or ______, record what you bought, where you bought it, and how much you ______. At the end of the month it's a real ______. You'll see a whole lot of ______ you can do.

IELTS Listening: fill the gaps

Click the link below and listen to the recording.

Listen to the first speaker and fill the gaps in the following text.
The plane has been developed by lots of people ______ the years, but the Wright brothers certainly made it work and made it ______. Planes existed before, people had made aeroplanes fly before, but I always have a huge ______ for the inventor who really makes it work; Henry Ford I have the same admiration for because he made a car ______, and made it ______, and made it work. So the Wright brothers for me are probably the most - should be the most - ______ people when it comes to aeroplanes.

Watch the video below.

IELTS Listening: population in Australia

Listen to the recording and answer the questions below.

1. Which three things are affected by population growth?
A) environment, housing and architecture
B) jobs, housing and infrastructure
C) jobs, transport and culture
2. What happens every 3 minutes in Australia?
A) one person dies
B) one person is born
C) one person leaves the country
3. What proportion of Australians were born abroad?
4. From which two countries do most immigrants come?

IELTS Listening: multiple choice

Listen to the following short talk about cave paintings.

1. In which continent are the cave paintings that the speaker is describing?
A) Africa
B) Europe
C) Asia
2. How were the painted caves discovered?
A) By children
B) By artists
C) By tourists
3. How can visitors experience the cave paintings nowadays?
A) They can’t see any paintings because the caves are closed
B) They can go on a tour of the original cave
C) They can visit a reproduction of the original cave

IELTS Listening: 'handedness' exercise

Listen to the following recording about right and left-handedness.

What is the probability of right-handed parents having a left-handed child?
A) more than 10%.
B) about 2%.
C) about 17%.
What comparison is made between males and females?
A) 50% of left-handed people are male.
B) Males are less likely to be left-handed.
C) Males are twice as likely to be left-handed.
A child's handedness can be determined for certain
A) when the child reaches two years of age.
B) when the child is six months old.
C) according to which hand the child reaches with in the first year of life.

IELTS Listening: multiple choice

Click the link the link below to listen to the audio:

1. A year from now, the unemployment rate will be
A) fairly good
B) not as high in California
C) very high for the country as a whole
2. One problem is that
A) employees cannot work for more than 33 hours per week
B) employers will extend working hours instead of hiring new staff
C) there are too many part-time workers
3. If the economy begins to improve
A) more people will be discouraged from looking for work
B) people will think that there are more job opportunities
C) there will be an expansion of the workforce

IELTS Listening: multiple choice exercise

Click the link below.  Answer the questions while listening.

What are the TWO main reasons why students have trouble remembering information for tests?
A) stress
B) nerves
C) lack of time in the test
D) lack of planning
E) lack of preparation
Which TWO relaxation techniques are NOT recommended by the speaker?
A) breathing deeply
B) counting backwards
C) closing your eyes
D) visualising a relaxing image
E) counting slowly
Which TWO habits can parents help their children with?
A) eating properly and getting enough sleep
B) organising their study schedules
C) buying the right study guide
D) breaking the exam down
E) cramming

IELTS Listening: 'biometrics' gap-fill

Click the link below to listen to the audio:

Fill in the gaps.

1. In today’s society we rely on _____ and _____ to access information.
2. We have to trust that a passport or driver’s license has not been _____ with.
3. Fingerprint, facial, iris and _____ patterns are sources of biometric data.
4. We’re identifying people at _____ with facial recognition software.
5. As the technology _____, our identities will be better _____.

Click the link below to watch the video.

IELTS Listening: English as a global language

Watch and listen to the video below and fill the gaps.

Fill the gaps in the sentences below.
  1. How many people are trying to learn English ______? Two billion of them.
  2. Learning English can give people the ______ for a better life, a job, to be able to pay for school, or ______ better food on the table.
  3. With English you can become part of a ______ conversation, a global conversation about global problems.
  4. English is becoming the language of ______ ______.
  5. English represents hope for a better future, where the world has a ______ language to solve its ______ problems.

IELTS Listening: 'money' topic

Listen to the audio on the link below.

Fill the gaps in the following summary of the first 4 minutes of the video:
  1. Does the amount of ______ you have affect the kind of person you are?
  2. In a recent study, drivers of luxury cars were three to four times more ______ to break the law than drivers of less expensive, low ______ cars.
  3. The academic paper that resulted ______ ______ everywhere.
  4. It is very clear that this study of social class touched a ______.
  5. The results were ______ across thirty studies which were run on thousands of people all over the United States.

Watch the video below.


Listen to the recording about road safety and fill the gaps in the summary.

Traffic in Europe is increasingly ______. The aim of the 'European Road Safety Day' is to reduce the ______ ______ from road accidents throughout the European Union.
The number of lives saved every year since 2001 has ______ ______ markedly in line with ______. However, there are still nearly ______ people killed on Europe's roads each year.
The big problems to address are speed, alcohol or drugs, and not wearing a ______. These are the ______ ______ of accidents.

Watch the video below.