Monday, August 12, 2013

“News Of The World” Shuts Down

Pre-Listening Vocabulary
  • tabloid: a type of newspaper with half-sized pages; sensational news
  • phone-hacking: accessing private information from personal telephones
  • scandal: an illegal action that causes public rage
  • allegedly: believed to be true, but not proven in court
  • boycott: to refuse to buy or use something as a means of getting attention or making a point

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Britain’s Sunday tabloid, News of the World, ran its last on Sunday, July 10th. Rupert Murdoch’s paper sold 2.6 million a week, and had been in print for 168 years. The closure is related to a phone-hacking scandal, dating back to 2006. News of the World staff and journalists have been accused of using private investigators to hack into private boxes. Victims of the alleged scandal included politicians, members of the royal family, , and the military. News of the World journalists allegedly hired a PI to hack the voicemail of murder victim Milly Dowler. voicemail messages gave the school girl’s family false hope that she was alive. Prior to the closure, several advertisers said they would boycott the Sunday paper. A reader boycott was also in the works.

 Discussion Question:

 Are tabloid newspapers popular in your country? Why are people so interested in celebrity gossip?

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