Monday, August 12, 2013

World Bank Wants to Refocus Aid

Pre-Listening Vocabulary
  • refocus: to change the direction or emphasis
  • resolve: to end the problem
  • justice: fairness
  • global action plan: a set of steps that an international group agrees to take part in to achieve a goal
  • poverty: the state of being poor; not having enough food, money, and supplies for life

Click the link below to listen and complete the article below.

The World has released a new report suggesting that aid money be refocused on prevention rather than health, education, and military support. Much more money is spent on resolving conflict in war torn countries than preventing the conflict in the first place. The author of the report stated that financial aid should focus on police, justice systems, and institutions. Approximately people are threatened by political and criminal violence. Most of these people live in areas that have a long history of civil war. The report also concluded that conflict-affected countries have not achieved any of the eight goals set out in the UN’s Millennium Development Goals. The UN backed global action plan was adopted at the 2010 Summit to reduce poverty among women and over the next five years.

Discussion Question:

 Do you agree that financial aid should be spent on policing before education and health? Why or why not?

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